Page name: Rain Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-04 19:10:11
Last author: 4everThyme
Owner: 4everThyme
# of watchers: 34
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Welcome to Rain Lovers. This is for those that like to Dance in the rain; Those that love to listen to the melody of each drop hitting the ground. All of you that find rain relaxing instead of a waste of a day are welcome in this wiki. My name is Kassie. My all time favorite thing to do when it is a warm, rainy day is to dance, dance around in the cool relaxing rain. For all who are with me feel free to join. Just ask in the comments or messege me.

-Rain Goddess-
[4everThyme] Yep. *dances around in rain with arms in air* Weee

-Rain Goddess Sister-
[Stormqueen] w00t This is the owner of
Rainy People Club

-Rain Dancing/Huggle Buddy-
[Mordeth] you r special now
[Gaara of the Desert] well being from Washington the rain puts me to sleep nightly

-Rain Gods- (not as powerful as me for i am ruler lol)
[Toshi Umezawa] thanx for inspiring me to make this wiki.
[nameless, again] yay you r a god now lol.

-Mastress'- (male version of Mistress) ^-^
[Zealot2.0] you are now a mastress... to me. but i still rule this wiki go me go me lol
[XReaverX] welcome to the life of a mastress

More members at Rain Dancers

Rain Poems


<img:> [4everThyme] I made this yay it looks so good.
Code= <*IMG:*> (without stars)

compliments of [Deus_Casus] =

Compliments of [Alex DeLarge] =

More banners on BWL banners

--Sister Wiki--
Rainy People Club
Owned by ~*~[Stormqueen]~*~

Username (or number or email):


[4everThyme]: *Blinks* eep

[BloodyRedRose]: o0o Lauren loves the rain!!!!!!!!!

[Ghost Lilly]: May I join?

[duende_negro]: Yeah I must joing too...and here it has not rained in daays O_O....Hum to cold to tho...

[Ghost Lilly]: It rained here a few days ago... and then it just turned into snow. *sigh* I hate snow, but love rain. ^_^

[duende_negro]: Snow is cold...but cold is nice...Cold rain is nice...RAIN IS WET! (loves) Rain is better than snow....¬¬

[Lidda_Flourhert]: I love driving in the rain...I got really lost the other day....but I didn't care cause the rain was all pretty.

[lifetime]: uummmm can i join.....??

[TrollGirl =)]: fantastic wiki:)

[Ghost Lilly]: Yes, I like it alot. ^_^

[Sloan]: if it would no trouble you i would like to be added to this wiki please

[duende_negro]: I would have to say "Me to" O_O. ... by the way...IT RAINED YESTERDAYYYYYY =D

[Lidda_Flourhert]: Hmmm...gaining popularity here

[4everThyme]: w00t more ppl on this wiki now. you all rock with RAIN!!!

[duende_negro]: YEAH Rain IS pleasure! O_O and exitation.. and...(falls down...) O_O

[Lidda_Flourhert]: The rain turned into snow.

[Ghost Lilly]: *kills snow*

[duende_negro]: Here we don't have snow. Well we do but just on the mountains...... some mountains O_O

[Indigo Butterfly]: may I join

[Ghost Lilly]: *kills more snow*

[BloodyRedRose]: do you like to kill snow?

[Ghost Lilly]: *thinks* ... yes... yes I do

[BloodyRedRose]: oky doky

[BloodyRedRose]: keep on killin it then

[Ghost Lilly]: *contiues to kill snow* Its my revenge its been trying to kill me, so I kill it. ^_^ all is fair in love and war

[BloodyRedRose]: *watches* hmmm..looks simi fun *raises eybrow* true true all IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR..

[Ghost Lilly]: Sometimes

[BloodyRedRose]: lol yea eh hey maybe not..but maybe wuteva..

[Lidda_Flourhert]: Snow is only good for getting school cancelled. can die.

[duende_negro]: Snow is good for snowangels.. but i prefer send angels...

[BloodyRedRose]: i wanna build a snowman..

[Princess of Gondolin]: Rahhh!!!!!!!

[BloodyRedRose]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

[duende_negro]: I dont' have snow.

[BloodyRedRose]: niether do i..

[Deus_Casus]: i hate when christmas comes with no snow

[Deus_Casus]: it better snow for christmas

[BloodyRedRose]: i want snow for christmas bad!!

[Lidda_Flourhert]: I think we've only had snow for xmas like...twice in my life.

[duende_negro]: I don't want snow for christmas...I just want this year to end this year.

[Lidda_Flourhert]: yeah, I just want HS to's so...pointless. I want college now.

[Deus_Casus]: snow for christmas?! r u mad!?

[Lidda_Flourhert]: there are better things than snow... plus snow is only good for getting out of school.

[duende_negro]: I DON'T get snow. anyways.. who sais Christmas is all about snow?

[BloodyRedRose]: I want snow and rain all in one day that would be kinda wierd tho...

[aimfire]: *raises hand* happened too many times to me.

[Deus_Casus]: ah ur one of those people who think that too much of a good thing is bad...well so am i

[duende_negro]: I don't think that too much of a good thing is bad.. but... I don't get snow.. so i don'0t mind i I don't have...I .. yeah i coudl say...many good things is.. not .. good...(SOmetimes.)

[ISK]: Add me! :)

[Deus_Casus]: i was talking to aimfire but...ok

[4everThyme]: yeah it snowed here but then it melted so no white xmas for me...

[aimfire]: it snowed two days agao, barely giving us ours.

[BloodyRedRose]: Guess wut i saw snow for the first time in like ever!!! if you even care..

[aimfire]: really, I find that hard to believe, but then again, how far south are you?

[BloodyRedRose]: I live in Texas..

[aimfire]: as I said, how far south, I know a few cities that get icestorms there.

[BloodyRedRose]: no idea ummmmmmm...think its pretty south like at the end of

[aimfire]: Rio grande, gulf coast, how about nearest large city? El Paso, San Antiono, Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin?

[BloodyRedRose]: gah little sassy live in spring near Houston!

[aimfire]: ok, I know there if they get snow school gets canceled after an inch, lol.

[BloodyRedRose]: lol really?

[aimfire]: lol, here its like 1.5 ft.

[aimfire]: seriously, we get blizzards in Utah.

[BloodyRedRose]: ive been to Utah lol for a day...

[aimfire]: I dislike it here.

[BloodyRedRose]: move far far away!

[aimfire]: I tried

[Deus_Casus]: all i got was frost and i got my shoes wet so i got to carry in presents from my aunt's car feet r red and in pain, but i got a computer monitor (i was using a tv before)

[4everThyme]: oh man i wish we would get out of school

[Deus_Casus]: yes, an extra day of break sound good

[Deus_Casus]: man im bored i go nothin to doeverything is said and done and i should get to bed but im not tired, like im still wishing there we other things to unwrap from under the tree or the realitives stayed longer...

[Deus_Casus]: anyone else feel that way?

[4everThyme]: yes it does

[Deus_Casus]: but christmas always feels this way, a big empty hole that wont be filled no matter how many presents or how good a time u had u always want more...

[aimfire]: a never quenching thrist?

[Lidda_Flourhert]: I only wish that I coulda got gifts for more aquantances (sp?) instead of just really close friends. I never really want much for xmas...

[Deus_Casus]: me its not really about presents, its about seeing my family, i really dont see much of some of them, only once or twice a year, i wish they could have stayed longer...

[Deus_Casus]: 4everthyme, why dont u answer my messages anymore?

[4everThyme]: cuz i dont get any... maybe i do still have you blocked... let me check first and i will unblock you.... sorry hun.

[Deus_Casus]: ...

[4everThyme]: your no longer blocked hun i had forgotten i blocked you like a month ago

[Deus_Casus]: ...u forgot, after all the time i suggested that u blocked me u said noooo, but i was right...

[4everThyme]: yeah but i havent been on et in a awhile so there *sticks out tounge* heh

[Ghost Lilly]: Hey I live in Utah [aimfire]. Luckly it hasnt snowed here in a while. ^_^

[aimfire]: You live in Utah, you poor poor

[duende_negro]: Ehm...O_O

[Oh! Its a Riot xx]: uhm can i join?

[aimfire]: send a message to 4everthyme, but the anwser is yes.

[Oh! Its a Riot xx]: ok thanks 

[aimfire]: yeppity

[+The Evil Death Eskimo+]: I wanna join!! I absolutly looove the rain!!

[goneawayagain]: i want to join to, i love the rain!!!!

[^Kitsune^]: excuse me, but may I join? the rain is so lovely, don't you think?

[aimfire]: yes you may all join, just leave a message for [4everThyme] and she'll add you when she gets in.

[duende_negro]: I think ... peopel should have a conversation now about.. something.. we must discuss ! O_O

[Ghost Lilly]: The snow its back *cowers*

[duende_negro]: we.. don't have snow O_O

[aimfire]: we do *dances if the fluffy white rain*

[duende_negro]: O_O (Dances with aimfire)

[goneawayagain]: the snow is here to :(

[4everThyme]: w00t you all can join when you tell me one adjective that describes how you feel about the rain that isnt next to anyones name

[aimfire]: wet.

[4everThyme]: lol wow that is a good one lol

[goneawayagain]: lol how descriptive aimfire

[Lidda_Flourhert]: Well, I could be a party pooper and point out that it fits into the description as you "feel wet about the rain" but I won't. Oops. I did.

[Deus_Casus]: w00t, the cry of the majestik n00b...

[aimfire]: trickling.

[bluefarie]: i would like 2 join, my in the summer is always yelling @ me when im outside in the rain...(she says i'll get sick but, idon't care..!)

[BloodyRedRose]: my momy lets me go outside in the time i jumped on the trampoline while it was pouring it was fun!

[bluefarie]: oh!i did tht 2 yeah, it's tons of fun...even when it's thundering...

[aimfire]: messages are infected...

[bluefarie]: huh? is that y i can't read them???

[aimfire]: no...check mainstreet...

[bluefarie]: k...

[BloodyRedRose]: oga boga woga!!

[bluefarie]: really??

[BloodyRedRose]: yes!!!

[goneawayagain]: we need more banners! *runs of to draw one*

[BloodyRedRose]: id make one but i cant draw..

[4everThyme]: w00t we do need more banners. i dont think any one should be shy about makin me some.... please???? i will put your name by it and let the world know its yours...

[BloodyRedRose]: o0o the world will now?? i wanna make one!!

[bluefarie]: i would make one but i don't have tht program...

[Deus_Casus]: i submitted 1 yesterday but 4everthyme never wrote back, if u saw my design u'll now why...

[Deus_Casus]: i used paint, a quick alternative to photoshop or illustrator

[bluefarie]: yes, ooooo....

[Deus_Casus]:, no porn, she would kill me i i gave her porn, she sits infront of me in Latin class

[BloodyRedRose]: porn? eh?

[bluefarie]: ewoh...

[Deus_Casus]: ...

[bluefarie]: ...

[BloodyRedRose]: ....

[bluefarie]: ...

[bluefarie]: ne way...

[BloodyRedRose]: yes...

[bluefarie]: thts enough of the ...  we need somethin' 2 talk about...

[BloodyRedRose]: yea..but what?

[bluefarie]: hmmm, what keeps u from going outside & standing in the rain, if ne thing???

[Lidda_Flourhert]: Coldness. Brrrr.

[Deus_Casus]: i have a cold

[Deus_Casus]: ehhh....i hate not being able to breathe, especially during midterms

[BloodyRedRose]: if its really really cold i wont go out or if its only drizzle there not too fun & sumtimes my mother..

[bluefarie]: i mean like in the summer..

[BloodyRedRose]: nuthing

[bluefarie]: yeah, me 2...not even thunderstorms...

[Deus_Casus]: its not so much the cold as is the cold u get from being out there too long i love the cold Lidda can even vouch for me on this, ive never worn a jacket in high school, never, i will stand out at my bus stop with out a jacket, maybe a heavy long sleeve shirt (usually not too heavy) and be fine, i love the cold!

[bluefarie]: cool tht sounds like my friend...

[Deus_Casus]: i gots a photobucket account so now i got a bunch of pics at my house, check em' out

[bluefarie]: k...

[Stormqueen]: Hey nice wiki. If you like to dance in the rain I think you'll like my wiki too: Rainy People Club Maby we could place a link to eachothers wiki's or so...?

[bluefarie]: tht would b awsome...

[Deus_Casus]: hey u just did

[bluefarie]: huh???

[BloodyRedRose]: Guess what!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?! Its pouring!! yay!!!! :)

[bluefarie]: really??? *where???!!!*

[BloodyRedRose]: hehe in texas


[aimfire]: Queers and Steers?...Unless you mean Oil and Bushes....

[bluefarie]: all of tht...& more...*ugh!!*

[Deus_Casus]: no...u got it. lol

[BloodyRedRose]: what r u trying to say??

[bluefarie]: idk....!

[Deus_Casus]: blah

[BloodyRedRose]: soo rude

[bluefarie]: who??? *looks around...* me???

[BloodyRedRose]: yes you

[aimfire]: Double Speech!

[4everThyme]: wow i havent been here in a while sorry ppl. how is every one??? oh i have a new banner

[Stormqueen]: And a sister wiki if you want...?

[kaimetsu]: Hello! I'd like to join! ... am I even putting this in the right place? ^^;

[Stormqueen]: But 4everThyme, do you want a sister wiki? I'm the owner of Rainy People Club. It has already one sisterwiki (Weather Wonders) with which it shared banners with on BWL Banners.

[4everThyme]: hm *ponders* ok sounds good to me.

[Deus_Casus]: yes cuz everyone must have my banner...EVERYONE...

[BloodyRedRose]: thatz a lot of wiki sisters...

[*Sairy*]: hi....ahhhh iwant it to rain here

[Stormqueen]: Hehe your banner rocks Casus! ^_^ But can you add me on your memberlist? I don't want a sisterwiki if I'm not a member he

[4everThyme]: oman sorry about that... heh i wasnt thinking

[Deus_Casus]: *nods* thank you...

[Anime chíca]: can i join

[bluefarie]: how was i rude???

[4everThyme]: yes you can join

[Stormqueen]: Hehe thanks. Rain goddess sister... I like that!

[4everThyme]: im am glad you do. I tried to think of a big title of awesomeness and i would like to give you some say in this wiki... by which i will explain in a message to you

[Anime chíca]: tnxs for letting me join

[4everThyme]: no problem

[Anime chíca]: *smiles*

[BloodyRedRose]: hey Bloody_fox_vixen i know you :P

[Anime chíca]: u do i know u to

[Adrian The Betrayer]: Hello... i wish to join

[BloodyRedRose]: r u sure??

[4everThyme]: Hello Adrian. i will add you to the list.

[Anime chíca]: yes i'm sure i know u

[BloodyRedRose]: lol ok

[Anime chíca]: lol

[4everThyme]: i am glad you know each other. it is fun to know people

[BloodyRedRose]: lol oh yes soo fun :P

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